The three MATLAB scripts producing the data in the paper
Formal centennial climate are as follows.
runcc.m analyzes the six decades 1974:10:2024
TSIresid.m compares detrended HadCRUT5 against
TSI (Figure 1 in the paper).
runcentp.m analyzes up to PRSNT (Figure 2
and the table in the paper)
The three data files read by runcentp.m can be downloaded here.
HadCRUT5.csv. This data was obtained from this
csv file from the Met Office Hadley Centre.
This data was obtained from ice core yearly
data before 1958 merged with Mauna Loa data thereafter.
TSI.csv. This data was obtained from Leif
Svalgaard's reconstruction of TSI up to 2014, supplemented with
G. Kopp's more recent data. Kopp also has a historical
reconstruction, which agrees with Svalgaard's in phase and frequency
but has lower amplitude. Phase and frequency are all that matters for
Figure 1 of our paper, since multiple linear regression takes care of
any differences in amplitude by yielding a higher Rs in Kopp's case,
thereby reconciling the differences in amplitude. Essentially the
same Rg is estimated with either TSI time series.
Vaughan Pratt
Friday December 13, 2024